
the HorIzon Info Days event
The HorIzon Info Days event

On June 6th, the Horizon Info Days event took place at the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jasminka Hasić Telalović took the opportunity to discuss another Horizon project, BUDGET-IT (Building Gender Equality Through Gender Budgeting for Institutional Transformation), in which SSST is a partner.

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grp community of practice
GRP Communication of Practice

Prof.Dr.Irene Bajo from University of Alicante (UA) and Pablo Martínez Rico from Ayuntamiento de Novelda (NOVEL), made a presentation about the BUDGET-IT project in the “GRP communication of practice” program in May.

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BUGDET-IT E-booklet!

E-booklet on Inclusive Gender+ Equality Plans This booklet clearly outlines the importance of using equality plans in today’s society as a quest for gender equality. It also underscores the urgent need to adopt new methodologies to analyze and adapt these plans to the demands of modern society.

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BUDGET-IT Policy brief!

The advancement of gender equality plans in higher education has spread to widening countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Türkiye both through their own national laws but also through EU funded projects which support the development of gender equality plans in research producing organizations in particular.

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Call for paper!

A book “A PATH TOWARDS GENDER-SENSITIVE POLICY: FROM GENDER EQUALITY PLANS TO GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETS”, to be published in 2024 in the series Gender Perspectives in Law, Springer.

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