
D1.1 Project Handbook

A Project Management Handbook – guidelines for the implementation of the project, certain rules to be followed in social media and public media, and specific templates such as templates for reports and publications to provide relevant information to partners from the start of the project.

The Project Handbook is a reference document for consortium partners containing the main information regarding project management activities. The document outlines the standard procedures Building Gender Equality Through Gender Budgeting for Institutional Transformation consortium will implement when delivering project deliverables and milestones.

The Project Handbook shall be used:

D2.1 Primary Data Collection Template

This document provides a guide for the collection of intersectional data. It discusses the need for adapting variables to national, cultural and institutional needs.  There are also data collection templates for municipalities and universities.

D2.2 GEAM survey(s)

The Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) tool is an integrated environment for carrying out survey-based gender+ equality audits in academic organisations or organisational units.

D2.3 Report on focus groups used in GEP design

Report which outlines the focus groups results and perspective of GEP design

D2.4 E-booklet on inclusive Gender Equality Plans in local languages

E-booklet which online document indicates GEP. It should demonstrate a commitment to gender+ equality, set clear goals and detailed actions and measures to achieve them.

D3.1 Audit Guidelines

Audit guidelines, how to integrate the GEP-GB and explain the budget preparation, budget approval, implementation and audit/evaluation.

D3.2 – Report of Integrated GEP-GB for all partners

Final report of integration of GEP-GB

D3.3 – E-Booklet on gender audit and gender budget in local languages

E-booklet which is online. Available document contents include information on gender+ audit and gender+ budget.

D4.1 Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Sustainability Plan

The Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation, and Sustainability Plan (DCESP) describes strategies, target groups, schedules of dissemination and communication activities, and it includes the respective indicators and assessment means. Following the strategies and activities, the plan will be used and updated throughout the project’s realization period.

The initial planned dissemination, exploitation, and communication indicators to maximise the impact of the project are outlined .Planned measures are scaled proportionally to the project’s ambition, to help translate project results into its expected outcomes, and contribute to the wider scientific, economic, and societal impacts and contain actions to be implemented during and beyond the lifetime of the project.

D4.2 – Report on establishment of communication outlets: visual identity, promotional materials and stationery, website and social media accounts

Report which outlines the social media accounts, the website and all the promotional materials to be used during the project.

D4.3 – Report and output of training from widening country in GEP-GB for their country counterparts

After the training, the widening country will present a report about the output of training. Each partner will submit their report after the training.

D4.4 – Report of guidelines training for implementation of Sex/gender+ dimension in Research Content in languages of the widening countries

A report for guidelines training for implementation of Sex/gender+ dimension in Research Content.

D4.5 – Policy brief on intersectional GEPs with recommendations for widening countries Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey

Policy briefs on intersectional GEPs. Will be revised and submitted with the final reporting period to include recommendations for the widening countries.

D4.6 – Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Sustainability Plan-- Update

A updated plan that outlines all the communication, dissemination, exploitation and sustainability strategies and activities
for the project.

D5.1 Data Management Plan


The BUDGET-IT Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that outlines how research data will be collected, organised, stored, preserved, shared, and reused throughout the research project and after its completion. It is a tool that helps researchers manage their data effectively and efficiently, ensuring that the data is well-documented, secure, and accessible to others who may want to use it- Additionally, the DMP will put down the procedure for data collection, consent procedure, storage, protection, retention and destruction of data, and confirmation that they comply with national and EU legislation.

DMP will be revised and updated during the project lifecycle.

The DMP will also link these activities to the BUDGET-IT partners and underline their responsibilities with respect to all aspects of data handling.

D5.2 Ethics plan

Ethical issues and data management are addressed in WP5 (Data Management and Ethics) and WP6 (Ethics requirements). The Ethics Plan is the output of Task 5.3. within WP5. The Ethics Plan will be also used in the preparation of WP6 Deliverables D6.2 and D6.3 (Ethics Report).

The main objectives of the Ethics Plan: