About us

Building Gender Equality Through Gender Budgeting for Institutional Transformation (BUDGET-IT) project designed to use gender+ budgeting to transform institutions to advance inclusive gender+ equality and enhance the reputation, inclusiveness, and research excellence of the widening countries of Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey assisted by leading university counterparts in Italy and Spain. Budget-It will use gender+ budgeting as a tool to move past the current stagnation surrounding gender+ equality. GEPs are often implemented without the required commitment of resources and the allocation of resources often remaining unexamined with institutional budgets reinforcing gender+ inequalities including inequities among women. The integration of gender+ budgeting into GEPs will ensure resources are distributed in an equitable and intersectional way. Partners will identify at least three intersections so that GEPs are both tailored and inclusive. By the end of the project, partner institutions will have produced an integrated, inclusive gender+ equality plan and gender+ budget (GEP-GB). 

Gender Equality Plans


“Gender equality plan is a set of commitments and actions that aim to promote gender equality in an organisation through a process of structural change. This policy instrument strives to sustainably transform organisational processes, cultures and structures within the field of research and innovation (R & I) to combat and reduce gender imbalances and inequalities. It should be holistic and comprehensive in the way that it addresses the whole organisation, engages all relevant stakeholders and tackles several gender equality issues in your organisation. Therefore, GEPs should not focus only on promoting career opportunities and equal access to resources for one gender; rather, they should be inclusive and target women and men in all their diversity.”  European Institute for Gender Equality https://eige.europa.eu/gender-mainstreaming/toolkits/gear/what-gender-equality-plan-gep


Gender Budgeting


Gender budgeting is a strategy to achieve equality between women and men by focusing on how public resources are collected and spent. The Council of Europe defines gender budgeting as a ‘gender based assessment of budgets incorporating a gender perspective at all levels of the budgetary process and restructuring revenues and expenditures in order to promote gender equality’. The purpose of Gender Budgeting is threefold:


European Institute for Gender Equality. https://eige.europa.eu/gender-mainstreaming/methods-tools/gender-budgeting

Gender+ is a concept that acknowledges that there are a myriad of genders and gender expressions. This concept also recognizes that gender intersects and is constructed in and through other social identities such as class, race, sexual orientation, disability, nationality to name a few.