Budget-IT operates a strict privacy policy around the world. We are committed to being transparent about the technologies we use, and we’ve outlined below how we use cookies when you visit our site at www.budget-it.eu. - WHAT IS A COOKIE?
A cookie is a small snippet of text that a website asks your browser to store. All cookies have expiration dates in them that determine how long they stay in your browser. Cookies can be removed in two ways: automatically, when they expire, or when you manually delete them. We’ve included more details below to help you understand what kinds of cookies we use. - DOES THE BUDGET-IT WEBSITE USE COOKIES?
Yes, with the primary purpose of making our website work more effectively. - WHAT KINDS OF COOKIES DOES THE BUDGET-IT WEBSITE USE AND WHY?
Tracking Cookies – to better understand usage patterns so we can improve the site for our visitors and members. This information is anonymised! - DOES THE BUDGET-IT WEBSITE USE COOKIES TO SELL CUSTOMER INFORMATION?
There are a lot of guides and manuals out there. Search here. - WILL THE SITE WORK IF I DISABLE COOKIES?
You can browse our website with cookies disabled, though some interactions may not work.